
PPR Mawar Putih Member Learns to be a Creative Homeworker

2 January 2016
Penulis: admin

Ila Rodliyah is a 28 years old housewife with twins. She was known for her revolutionary thinking in her village. She has a better educational background than most people in Karangwaru by owing a diploma from Madrasah Aliyah, an Islamic secondary school. Her husband, Iwan works as a staff in a well-known supermarket franchise. She empowered herself and better support her family through MWPRI’s assistance, supported by MAMPU.

Although she has a good educational background, she works as a home worker for a sponge slippers manufacture just like any other women in her village. As a homeworker, she has to adapt to market trends which comes with a variety of works and wedge. Take for an example, once her work required her to sew straps, attach accessories to the slippers and wrap the finished products. From this, she earned IDR 12.000 (AUD 1,19) per 20 pieces of slippers. Now, she works for a home-based business which sold slippers with cartoonised images. She only got IDR 10.000 (AUD 1) for 20 pieces of slippers in a day. This instability makes it hard for Ila to support her family.

Ila believes that she should increase her knowledge and develop new skills to better support her family. According to her, this could be done by joining an organisation. She had been wanting to join Women Home Workers (PPR) Mawar Putih, The National Network Friends of Indonesian Women Homeworkers (MWPRI) and MAMPU’s assisted group in Karangwaru village. In the beginning, she was worried she would be too busy to join the group’s activities due to her workload. However, she trumped her doubts and joined PPR Mawar Putih.

“After joining PPR Mawar Putih, I felt positive changes in me. I become more confident and never give up easily. I also got product ideas and insights from other home-based businesses. Besides that, I am very pleased when my friends give me feedbacks on products I made. Women home workers must always be creative to catch up with a current condition,” she said.

Armed with the knowledge she got in PPR Mawar Putih, Ila developed other business ideas while helping her mother who sells food. She began making and selling fresh herb drinks in her village. She never stops looking for ideas and takes any business opportunities. Through these opportunities, she could expand her business and support her family.

“I hope PPR Mawar Putih will be more successful and show their continuous support for its members,” she hopes.

Go Ila!


Reported by: Zuhro Rosyidah (The National Network Friends of Indonesian Women Homeworkers)