

MAMPU Partners Held A Series of Training for Strengthening Women Members of Parliaments

2 November 2020
Author: Amron Hamdi

Women’s Coalition for Justice and Democracy (KPI), a MAMPU Partner working in the agenda of capacity strengthening for women MPs, held a series of joint activities in form of virtual discussions started on 24 June until 26 August 2020. The discussion was participated by members of Women’s Caucus in Indonesian Politics (Kaukus Perempuan Politik Indonesia/KPPI) and legislative members from 8 provinces: South Sulawesi, Bengkulu, Aceh, Jambi, West Sumatera, Central Sulawesi, DI Yogyakarta and East Java.

The activity was carried out to build collaboration between women organizations and women MPs at national and local levels, which was started with a joint assessment to identify the types of capacity building needed by the women MPs.

Various events were held, including strategy development for participatory recess during pandemic. One of the activities was a session to promote champions among women MPs by sharing good experiences in pushing for gender-equity policies in their respective regions.

Furthermore, MAMPU Partners also work collectively to advocate participatory recess through submission of policy paper to the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA). KPI as a MAMPU Partner thinks that the impacts of participatory recess are not only felt by the local MPs, but also constituents, since the initiative allows interaction between various groups of people. Diversity of constituents can generate ideas and information from and about groups with limited access, such as women, children, the poors and minorities.