
‘Aisyiyah was established in 1917 as an Islamic faith-based women’s organisation under Muhammadiyah, one of the two largest Islamic organisations in Indonesia. An autonomous women’s organisation, ‘Aisyiyah contributes to women’s empowerment by strengthening women’s participation in all aspects of social and economic life.

Supported by the MAMPU Program, ‘Aisyisyah works in 6 provinces, 15 districts and 100 villages.


Approach developed as MAMPU Partner:

‘Aisyiyah undertakes advocacy to direct government budget allocation to improve the quality and access of health services for women. This includes:

  • Improving Minimum Service Standards (MSS) at the national and local levels, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and community health centre staff.
  • Establishing women’s groups at the grassroots known as Balai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah (BSA) to develop women’s knowledge and leadership skills to carry out community outreach and advocacy.
  • Developing the Service Model and Feedback Model initiatives to improve the awareness, access and quality of reproductive health and nutrition services including IVA tests, breast cancer screening, breastfeeding counselling, youth services, and palliative care.
  • Developing the Rumah Gizi Model to provide education and services on nutrition and exclusive breastfeeding.


Achievements through MAMPU Program:

  • Established 451 Balai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah (BSA) women’s groups with more than 8,000 members, of which 1,160 women have been trained as female cadres.
  • More than 230 female cadres involved in local government consultative meetings on development issues (Musrenbangdes) in 48 villages in 11 districts.
  • More than 12,000 women have carried out VIA test and Pap Smear; and over than 6,000 have been screened for breast cancer through clinical breast exam (sadanis).
  • 100 budget proposals secured for reproductive health from village government budgets.
  • ‘Aisyiyah’s Service Model (Model Layanan) has been implemented in community health centres (puskesmas) in 7 districts.
  • ‘Aisyiyah’s Feedback Model to gather input and feedback from the community on the quality of health services was established in 7 community health centres (puskesmas) in 2 cities/districts.
  • Assisted 750 poor people access national health insurance for the poor (JKN PBI) through government funding (APBD) in Ngawi, East Java.
  • Initiation of Health Cards (KMS) for “Women Conscious of Cancer” to raise awareness of cervical and breast cancer and how to access services.
  • Demak District in Central Java has adopted the Service Model approach including allocating district budget for training health personnel to provide IVA services for women.
  • Established 38 Rumah Gizi in 38 villages across 15 districts.
  • Education booklet on sexual and reproductive health, family planning and nutrition completed and distributed to religious leaders to provide guidance during community meetings and forums.

