

WCC Cahaya Perempuan: Training on Gender Responsive Budgeting in Seluma, Bengkulu

24 August 2016
Author: admin

On 24 August 2016, the Women’s Crisis Center (WCC) Cahaya Perempuan, one of the PERMAMPU consortium members which supported by MAMPU Program, held a training on gender responsive budgeting for rural women cadres group in Seluma Regency, Bengkulu.

This event was attended by 40 participants, consisting of representatives from 4 villages (10 people per village) assisted by WCC Cahaya Perempuan in Seluma.

The training aimed for:

  1. Giving an introduction about gender responsive planning and budgeting (concept, objectives, gender responsive budget category).
  2. Increasing the knowledge and skills of women cadre groups in compiling and analysing gender responsive budget.
  3. The women cadres group having skill in pushing the budget for the empowerment of women in their village.

Reported by: Tety Sumeri (WCC Cahaya Perempuan)