Riski Eka Kurnia Wati: My Mother Brings Change for Me
1 February 2017Penulis: admin
My name is Riski Eka Kurnia Wati. I am a housewife who sells in small stalls and in the school canteen every day. I live in Tekam Hamlet, Sejegi Village, East Mempawah District, Pontianak, West Kalimantan. I am 23 years old with 2 children. My first child is 5 years old and study in RA Bahrul Umul, while the second one is 7 months old.
Since I joined BSA (Balai Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah) which supported by MAMPU Program, I experienced a very good change in my life. Now I have knowledge about how to take care of my body, especially the womenâs reproductive part which is prone to cancer.
I am no longer ashamed and afraid to share this knowledge to my family or friends, even to the students’ parents at school’s canteen, to maintain hygiene and take care for their reproductive parts.
It has been nine months since I joined BSA activities. The first time I attended BSA activities was when my mother, who is one of the BSAâs cadres in Sejegi Village, offered me to join. My mother explained that ‘Aisyiyah is a women’s organisation that aims to prosper the lives of women. Through BSA, women can get knowledge about women’s health, especially reproductive health.
Alhamdulillah*, my decision to follow BSA activities could bring a good impact. My husband and family also support me to always join BSA activities. Information about women’s reproductive health that I never knew before, I could get in BSA activities. I strive to continue to be present in the BSA activities, so I really could understand about cervical cancer and breast cancer.
I and all BSA members also participated in the VIA Tests which conducted by ‘Aisyiyah for free. We realised that the VIA test was not as painful as we thought at first. After the test, I invited my family, friends and my canteen customers to do a similar test. I do not want women to have dangerous diseases that can cause death.
I hope in the future BSA can be sustain, so that more women can find out and knokw more about dangerous diseases which can affect their reproductive health.
*thanks to God
Written by: Riski Eka Kurnia Wati (Member of BSA in Sejegi, East Mempawah, Pontianak, West Kalimantan)