MAMPU-‘Aisyiyah in Cianjur Launches Infaq for Mothers Movement (GISI) in Breast and Cervical Cancer Month
24 October 2016Author: admin
‘Aisyiyah in Cianjur held Pink Blue Day activities to raise awareness in the community during breast cancer and cervical cancer month in October.
According to Febriyanti Firdiayusi, the Coordinator of MAMPU, “Breast cancer and cervical cancer are the most deadly cancers for women. Therefore, we want to foster public awareness of the dangers of the disease through this activity, “said Febriyanti.
At the event, attended by 500 people, ‘Aisyiyah launched one of its key national programs called, GISI (Infaq for Mothers Movement). GISI is an acronym for the Infaq Movement (ZIS) for mothers, which gives and distributes Zakat Infaq Shodaqah for efforts to improve women’s maternal health.
Cooperating with the National Zakat Agency (Baznas), Cianjur, the program aims to distribute ZIS (Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh) for the needs of reproductive health for mothers and Cianjur women. “Through GISI, ‘Aisyiyah wants to invite the public to care about improving maternal health, especially in efforts to reduce maternal mortality rates (AKI), prevention and treatment of cervical cancer and breast cancer and other maternal health problems,” explained Febriyanti.
Several honoured guests expressed their support for the program during the launch which took place at Taman Prawatasari Invited guests included Deputy Regent of Cianjur, Cianjur Health Service, Cianjur Social Service, Cianjur Indonesia Cancer Foundation, Women’s Family Planning and Empowerment Agency (BKBPP), Cianjur Indonesian Ulema Council, Cianjur Village Midwives and cadres and members of the Sakinah ‘Aisyiyah Center (BSA ) guided by ‘Aisyiyah.
Deputy Regent of Cianjur Regency, Herman Suherman said in his remarks that the activities carried out by ‘Aisyiyah were very positive because they could provide assistance to the community and care for people who could not be reached entirely by the government.
“The government needs to appreciate and provide support for GISI program. We support ongoing collaboration in health campaigns, considering that solving health problems is one of the regent’s focus, “Herman continued.
Febriyanti added, ‘Aisyiyah welcomed the ongoing cooperation offered by the Vice Regent and that’Aisyiyah and the government wished to jointly raise awareness of reproductive health issues and services to the public.
During October, a series of events related to breast cancer and cervical cancer have been conducted by the Regional Leader of ‘Aisyiyah (PDA) Cianjur, such as Visual Inspection Safari with Acetate Acid (IVA) in three sub-districts, Warunkondang, Sukaluyu, and Sindang Barang sub-districts.. During the highlight of the Pink Blue Day event, there were healthy gymnastics activities, speeches about cancer, signing of the Cianjur agreement on cancer, and GISI launching. Baznas Cianjur also signed the GISI MoU for the establishment of zakat collection units.
Reported by: Suri Putri Utami