Introducing ‘Participatory Recess’ model in Yogyakarta
1 May 2018Author: admin
On 21 and 22 March 2018, MAMPU Program Partner FPL held a workshop introducing ‘Participatory Recess’ for Strengthening Local Policy Support in the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Yogyakarta. The workshop was officially opened by MAMPU Team Leader Program Kate Shanahan and attended by representatives from MAMPU’s local subpartners Swara Parangpuan, PUPA Bengkulu, Yayasan CIQAL as well as parliamentarians (DPRD) from the Districts of Sleman and South Minahasa in South Sulawesi and the city of Bengkulu in Bengkul Province.
The meeting was facilitated by MAMPU Partner BaKTI Foundation who developed the Participatory Recess model to bring women constituents together in public consultation with their local elected representatives. Parliamentarians who have been involved in Participatory Reses training and focus group discussions with the community from Maros District DPRD also attended to share their experiences.
The workshop resulted in commitment by three members of local parliament, the DPRD Yogyakarta to develop an action plan with FPL partners to introduce the concept of participatory recesses in their respective areas.