The University of Indonesia is Fighting Sexual Violence on Campus
17 February 2020Author: Amron Hamdi

Ideally, university campuses are places for students to learn and develop, free from all forms of violence. However, in reality, campuses are often locations at which acts of sexual violence occur. This concern prompted the University of Indonesia’s Legal Faculty (FHUI) Student Board to —with support from the MAMPU Program — host a series of events to commemorate the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign and increase awareness about sexual violence that occurs on campus.
The university campaign was held on 25 November – 6 December 2019 and began with a launch of the ‘Guidelines for Handling Sexual Violence on Campus’ handbook, which contains information on what should be done if sexual violence occurs on campus. The FHUI Student Board also created an exhibition that displayed replicas of the clothes worn by victims of sexual violence to dispel the myth that sexual violence can be caused by the victim’s choice of clothing. The campus-based campaign was brought to a close on 6 December with a talk show titled ‘Voices of Women.’ The talk show featured a number of women speakers who shared their experience fighting against various forms of sexual violence in their respective fields.