
MAMPU Support Migrant Workers National Jamboree 2015 in East Java

8 May 2018
Penulis: admin

MAMPU supported the Migrant Workers National Jamboree 2015 organised by Migrant CARE in Jember, East Java, from 23-25 November 2015. This activity was a collaboration effort with various stakeholders in the governance of the protection of migrant workers, namely BNP2TKI and the University of Jember aimed to formulate a road map in protecting Indonesian migrant workers. All activities were centered in Jember University.

With the theme: State Present, Migrant Workers Protected, the jamboree wanted to ensure that the vision and mission of Nawacita related to the presence of the state in the protection of Indonesian migrant workers are properly manifested in concrete actions in the form of safe migration policies and not against to the constitutional rights of citizens to have access to proper employment.

Groups of migrant workers flocked to the town of Jember since 22nd November, they came from various provinces such as East Nusa Tenggara, West Nusa Tenggara, East Java, Central Java and West Java as well as various countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea South, Taiwan, Saudi Arabia and the Netherlands. Participants were not only migrant workers and former migrant workers, but from various backgrounds such as academia, NGOs, government (executive and legislative) and regional centers, the media, students and community organisations. Until the end of the event, almost 1700 people registered for the jamboree.

The 3-days National Jamboree was filled with a variety of positive activities such as, policy dialogues, discussion of crucial issues such as the revision of Law No.39 / 2004, the death penalty, the protection of migrant domestic workers, the protection of undocumented migrant workers, the commitment of local government, pre-departure education sessions for migrant workers, ASEAN and migrant workers, equal opportunity to access education for prospective migrant workers, economic development, the role of academia in the protection of migrant workers, SDGs, RPJMN and migrant workers, technology-based advocacy for migrant workers, an end to corruption in the placement of migrant workers, the media’s role in the protection of migrant workers, to the financing of the ideal migration, as well as the agrarian and the problem of migration. These themes are expected to be renewed governance framework for migration into safe migration based on human rights and gender equality.

Minister of Labour, Moh. Hanif Dhakiri was present on the final day to close the jamboree. He reiterated the government’s seriousness to resolve the issues of Indonesian migrant workers. After that, the Jamboree ended with the launching of the “Declaration on the Protection of Migrant Workers Tegalboto” which is the result of the whole jamboree.

He then drove to Sumbersalak village in Ledokombo district to formalize the Village Care of Migrant Workers (DESBUMI) accompanied by Migrant CARE, Tanoker and MAMPU. DESBUMI is an initiative that was built for the provision of first-rate services for migrant workers at village level to prevent undocumented migrant workers. Services available at DESBUMI is information with an integrated information center, document management, data collection, complaint handling and economic empowerment under the legal umbrella of Village Regulation (Peraturan Desa).

In addition to discussions related to migrant workers, the jamboree also provided the arts and culture stage that were filled by various musicians such as Melanie Subono, Ridho Slank, Adjis Doa Ibu and Wali Band on 25th November 2015.

Photographs results from PhotoVoice training supported by MAMPU in Lembata and Lombok were exhibited in the hall of Universitas Jember. There was also an exhibition area for the work of migrant workers and their communities, legal aid clinics, health centers and media clinics.