

The Women’s Political Caucus Meets to Increase Women’s Representation in Politics

19 February 2020
Author: Amron Hamdi

“There is no true democracy without women’s representation,” said Labour Minister Ida Fauziah when she opened the Indonesian Women’s Political Caucus Consolidation Meeting (KPPI) in Jakarta on 28 November. “Women play a large part in accelerating the development of potential human resources This meeting is needed to increase the human development in Indonesia and realise 30% women’s representation in parliament in 2024,” she explained.

Dian Kartika Sari from Indonesian Women’s Coalition (KPI) was one representative of MAMPU Partners in attendance at the meeting. Speaking at the main session Dian said that women legislators must strengthen women’s perspective about issues related to gender equality and women’s rights. “The themes worked on by the MAMPU Program can be championed by women in the political arena to reach out to constituents”, said Dian.

Currently, women only occupy 20.5% of seats in the House of Representatives (DPR) which amounts to 119 seats from a total of 575 seats. KPPI is a forum for women politicians that was founded in 2000 by representatives from all major political parties. KPPI aims to ensure that the democratic process in Indonesia leads to the protection and fulfillment of women’s rights, including political rights.